Updated 5/15/20

The Giles County Commission will meet remotely Monday at 9 a.m.
The agenda include reports for March, 2020 from the Finance Director including Giles County General Fund, Drug, Highway, School Federal, Food Services, Debt Services, Capital Projects, Highway Capital Projects, Education Capital Projects, Giles County Highway and the Giles County Sheriff Department General order dated April 21, 2020.
The commissioners are to approve James D. Alsup, Pat Bryan, Margie Clinard, Jerrilyn June Holt, Amanada J. King, Michelle J. Matthews and Amanda Carol Ray their notary duties during the meeting.
Authorizing resolutions will be heard on the 2019-2020 General Purpose School Fund 141 and also authorizing the approval of surety bonds for other county officials and county employees required to have bonds and the approve surety bonds for other county officials and county employees.