Posted 7/1/24

A memo from County Executive Graham Stowe states after consulting Jason Griffin with OHM, the design process will be grinding to a halt until the Commission makes a final determination on the EMS-E911 collocation option.

The May 20th resolution permitted me to pursue design services that will consider collocating EMS and E911 functions in one facility located at the Agri Park and added an additional design consideration to be explored is the renovation/expansion of the existing E911 facility. Those considerations were rigorously vetted and culminated in OHM’s Technical Commentary dated June 6th, which was forwarded to the Commission and E911 Board June 7th.

The Technical Commentary thoroughly explained today’s code requirements and how codes drive the viability of options. Four potential options for the E911 facility were assessed, each of which was broken down with estimated costs. The design process is paused until the E911 Board recommends and the Commission approves a final decision on the preferred E911 option.

Another decision point that needs attention is siting a morgue. The most economical option is to repurpose space within the existing ambulance building, as a morgue has no stringent code requirements.

We need to arrive at consensus determinations that best serve Giles County, then resolve to rely upon our contracted professionals to do their jobs.

The E911 Board meets July 9th @ 9am. A called Building Committee is July 11th @ 9am at the Annex. Given recommendations from those meetings County Executive Stowe will write up a resolution for the July 15th full commission meeting, that decision will then green-light our design team to move forward.