Updated 5/15/20

 The Ardmore Public Library has been closed in compliance with the CDC regulations and employees have begun preparations for the re-opening of the library.

The library is offering Next Day Curbside Pickup Monday thru Friday from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. starting this week and are asking the person to call 931-427-4883 or Facebook message them with your requests.

There is a limit of 5 items and your items will be ready the next day.

Items will be bagged with name and set on a cart on the front porch.

The library will re-open Monday, May 18th with limited services and no more than 10 people in the library at one time. The front porch services will continue.  Patrons will be limited to 30-minute visits.  These services will continue for as long as needed.

There will be no programs during the month of May and summer programs are still being discussed.