Updated 5/12/20

Federal guidelines the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development follows to administer the Tennessee Unemployment Compensation (TUC) program state an individual must be willing and able to work to receive unemployment benefits.
Not returning to work when there is available employment may be considered a "refusal of work" and could potentially disqualify claimants from receiving TUC benefits.
 The federal CARES Act provides provisions for individuals who have traditionally been ineligible for state unemployment benefits, but those provisions do not apply to employees apprehensive about returning to work because of health concerns.
 Under federal law, workers who have been placed on a temporary layoff related to COVID-19 who can work, and do not qualify for any other Unemployment Insurance provisions through the state or under the CARES Act, must return to work if called back.
Employees and employers can find answers to commonly asked questions about returning to work on the Department's website, www.tn.gov/workforce.