Updated 5/6/20

Citing "post-apocalyptic" scenes in their community, members of the Republican parities for eight Middle Tennessee counties are urging Governor Bill Lee to take steps to full reopen the economy.
A Coailition letter from Republican organizations across Giles, Maury, Lawrence, Marshall, Lincoln, Coffee, Perry and Wayne counties submitted a letter to Governor Lee on Monday with two intimidate demands, that he repeal all restrictions on businesses and gatherings of any kind and end the Legislative recess.
Members cite that the "six foot rule" is "not backed by science. The practice of social distancing, mainly staying at least six feet apart, is part of the Centers for Disease Control's guidelines on the coronavirus pandemic.
In the letter it states there is strong medical opinion that we have now reached a point where there should be limited and, in most areas, no restrictions on contact. The six-foot rule, something that has hamstrung restaurants, for example, is not backed by science according to a host of reputable doctors. The limitation on public gatherings to 10 persons not only hurts us economically, but as human beings. We are social creatures and always have been.
Republican party members go on to say that America is "still a free country" and it should be "up to the people" to decide how they should proceed during COVID-19.