Updated 5/5/20

The Pulaski Electric System Power Board will apply for a TVA grant to help people in Giles County during the COVID-19 crisis.
The decision on how to help was not unanimous among board members during a monthly meeting.
PES CEO Richard Kelley advised board that TVA has launched a Community Care Fund of $2 million, of which PES is eligible for up to $10,000 if it matches it with $10,000 of its own.
Kelley suggested the board consider giving the funds to local organizations like God’s Storehouse, Matthew 25, Community RFD or the Giles County Help Center.
PES has until September 15 to make application for the grant.
“People need help right now, not a month down the road,” said Power Board member J.B. Smith.
Smith suggested the board consider giving $8,000 to God’s Storehouse, $8,000 to Community RFD and $4,000 to the Giles County Help Center.
Smith advised two of those organizations provide help with utility bills, while Community RFD helps those in need of food.
Board member and Pulaski Mayor Pat Ford expressed his desire to help people in the community, but added that he was concerned with people taking advantage by “double dipping” at different organizations.
Neal Bass asked the board to consider giving the funds to God’s Storehouse ($8,000), Matthew 25 ($8,000) and the Help Center ($4,000). The funds can be earmarked for help with electric utility bills at those organizations, he said.
Bass’ motion passed by a vote of 3-2 with Bass, Newton and Pat Ford voting in favor. Smith and Houston voted against.