Updated 5/4/20

During a monthly meeting, Pulaski Electric System Board of Directors agreed to suspend disconnects due to non-payment through the month of May.
The board advised CEO Richard Kelley to develop a payment plan for customers who have fallen behind in their bills during the COVID-19 crisis.
Disconnects for non-payment were suspended for the month of April in response to COVID-19 related shut downs and the impacts on PES’s customers.
According to Kelley, in the month of April there were 466 accounts that would have been disconnected due to non-payment. Of those, 119 made payments after they would have been disconnected.
Kelley said about half of the remaining 316 accounts are customers who are typically on the disconnect list at least two times and up to seven times a year.
Kelley did warn the board that the financial impact of the economic shut downs and the continued suspension of disconnects due to non-payment will probably look worse in May.
A work session was set for Thursday at 4 p.m.