Updated 4/27/20

The Giles County E-911 board agreed for Director Jeremy Holley to talk with a communications consultant about dealing with scattered dead radio spots throughout the county.
I’m concerned about the communication in the county. It is terrible,” Giles County Sheriff Kyle Helton, said. “If I don’t say this, then I’m not doing my job.”
The sheriff questioned whether Giles County or E-911 was responsible for maintaining communications equipment.
“I don’t think it is the county’s responsibility,” explained Helton.
The agreement between the county and incorporated areas, according to Holley, requires the communications district to dispatch or deliver calls for the sheriff’s department.
According to a contract, the county will be responsible for maintenance, replacement and upgrading of all Sheriff’s radio equipment and other computer equipment owned or purchased by the department for its use.
E-911 agrees to pay all expenses for upgrades, operation, maintenance, and replacements relating to E-911 radio equipment, telephone and voice recording equipment, caller identification equipment, electronic wiring and telephone cable lines expenses.