Updated 4/13/20

The Giles County Health Department has launched a local South Central Regional Coronavirus Public Information Line in partnership with the South Central Regional Health Department. The number is 931-490-8312 and is available Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Tennessee Department of Health has launched a Coronavirus Public Information Line in partnership with the Tennessee Poison Center. The numbers are 833-556-2476 and 877-857-2945 and are available daily from 10 a.m.-10 p.m. CST.
Most people, particularly those with mild or no symptoms, do not need assessment for COVID-19. TDH are prioritizing testing of people in high-risk categories: contacts of confirmed cases; people in occupations with exposure to large numbers of contacts; health care workers; nursing home residents; critically ill patients; pregnant women and people who have traveled to areas with high case counts.
If you feel you need treatment, call the health care provider or facility first, so they can arrange for your arrival if you need to come in and will accommodate you while reducing risk of exposing other people to the illness.