Updated 1/29/20

The Lynnville Town’s Board members approved Mayor Floyd Pratt’s recommendation to appoint Dawn Baron as the head of the city’s water department.

Baron will be paid $200 a month and has worked three years for the water department, which is operated by the city.

A three-year contract for Waste Management to continue garbage pickup in Lynnville was renewed by the Board during the January meeting.

The contract, effective January 1st, calls for fees of $13 for residential, up from $12.77, and $20 light commercial fees.

The contract states Waste Management will continue to service a unit behind the Lynnville Town Hall.

Phillip Bunting, a reserve with the Maury County Sheriff’s Department, was sworn in as a reserve with the Lynnville Police Department.

American Pride Renovation was awarded a bid for $2,580 to do ceiling work at the Reid Theatre, which also houses the Lynnville branch of the Giles County Public Library