Updated 1/21/20

The Giles County Commissioners elected Larry Worsham as the 6th District Commissioner during today’s (Tuesday) meeting at the Giles County Courthouse.

Worsham replaces Louise Faulkner, who resigned her post in December.

Also during the 9 a.m. meeting, commissioners approved reports for from the Finance Director including Giles County General Fund, Drug, Highway, School Federal, Food Services, Debt Services, Capital Projects, Highway Capital Projects, Education Capital Projects, Giles County Highway and the Giles County Health Department Quarterly report.

The commissioners also approved Joshua Wayne Glover, Connie R. Johnson, Geoffrey Knudtson and Nancy L. Rose their notary duties during the morning meeting.

Resolutions approved was the County Road List for 2020, Highway Department to perform work for the City of Elkton, Ardmore, Minor Hill, Lynnville and Pulaski, Placing a speed limit of 40 miles per hour on Fry Branch Road, Giles County Ambulance Service to implement Special Event Fees and naming a portion of Highway 31 for John Dorval Minatra.

Economic Director David Hamilton reported 3 industry inquiries, grants received and that he recently received a phone call from a person interested in opening a casual restaurant in the county.

Commissioners showed concern about an email received showing from 2018 until 2070 population in Giles County would decrease 4.8 percent, while Lawrence would increase 3.5 percent and Lincoln County 6.2 percent.

Hamilton said he would contact Randy Boyd, UT president, on how that percentage was determined.

Kelly Hamlin spoke briefly to the commissioners that Wolf Gap and Martin Methodist College had been chosen by Humanities Tennessee to host "Crossroads" as part of the Museum on Main Street Program.

She invited each commissioner to attend the exhibit.