Updated July 5, 2019

Bobby Sherrell has been elected as the newest alderman in Elkton.

Sherrell was elected unanimously to fill the vacancy created by Rebecca Bryant’s death in March.

Bryant was elected to a four-year term in August 2018, so Sherrell will serve the balance of her term until the next general election.

According to Sherrell, he wants to see Elkton grow.  It has always been a good community to live in,” Sherrell added, who retired from the civil service.

Growth of the city also was discussed as Elkton Alderman Bill Cary talked about a recent meeting with David Hamilton, new executive director of the Giles County Economic Development Commission.

Elkton's attorney Joe Fowlkes said he had known Hamilton for 25 years and Giles County is fortunate to have Hamilton in this position.

Plans are to ask Hamilton to visit a future city meeting.