Updated December 12, 2018

The last meeting of the Pulaski Board of Mayor and Aldermen for the year took place Tuesday at City Hall.   

Approval was given for the authorization to advertise for bids for a new roof for the Pulaski Recreation Center building and City Hall.  The monies for the Recreation center roof have already been assigned in the current budget, but after a recommendation by an inspector, it was found that the City Hall roof was also in need of being replaced.  The board will re-issue the bids for doing both jobs.

The Pulaski Mayor and Aldermen also discussed an incident with the waste water treatment plant that occurred when the city received an excessive amount of rain. Untreated water entered the lagoon near the facility and a pipe at Pleasant Run, separated and allowed the unprocessed water to reach the lagoon.  When the break was found, it was immediately taken care of by the city.

While this incident was an “act of God”, certain new enhancements will be added to the handling of water at the Pulaski Waste Management and Sewage Treatment Plants.

Time frames and deadlines have been put in place by the State and the Board of Mayor and Aldermen agreed to follow these changes.