Updated November 13, 2018

Tennessee Wildlife Federation’s Hunters for the Hungry program is in full swing for the 2018 deer season. More than 80 processors throughout the state are now accepting donations of whole deer to help feed local families in need.

In Giles County, that includes AJ’s Deer Processing and Hillside Meat Processing.

Through the generosity of hunters over 20 years, Hunters for the Hungry has provided more than 6.5 million meals to the hungriest Tennesseans. As a thank you for those years of support, hunters will be entered in a drawing for each whole deer they donate to win one-of-four made-in-Tennessee muzzleloaders by Knight Rifles.

When hunters harvest a deer, they can donate it to the program at a participating processor. The deer is processed, and the venison is delivered to local hunger relief organizations where it gets in the hands of hungry families. One deer provides as many as 168 meals. 

For more information about Hunters for the Hungry visit tnwf dot org.