Updated 6/23/20

The Giles County Commission will meet Thursday in the County Boardroom at the Giles County Courthouse.
Reports for April 2020 from the Finance Director is on the agenda that includes Giles County General Fund, Drug, Highway, School Federal, Food Services, Debt Services, Capital Projects, Highway Capital Projects, and Education Capital Projects.
The commissioners are to approve Pamela Campbell, R. Sims Curry, Loretta Faye Garner, Donna K. Gulley, Paulynn Horton, Carrie J. Johnson, Kelly Woodard, Shana J. Woodard, Laytem Dunnavant, Christine Faulkner, Dawn Fox, Brook Staggs, and Lavette Wibborn their notary duties during the meeting.
During the 9 a.m. meeting, commissioners will make appropriations to non-profit Charitable Organizations of Giles County for the year beginning July 1st and ending June 30th, 2021
Also, commissioners will authorize the approval of surety bonds for other county officials and county employees that require to have bonds and approve surety bonds for other county officials and county employees.
Giles County tax levy for the fiscal year beginning July 1st will be set during the morning meeting.