
Several citizens demonstrated peacefully on the Giles County Courthouse Square over the weekend.
Protest organizers took precautions to avoid trouble making behavior which resulted in a peaceful and well-received demonstration lasting several hours that featured several motivational speakers.
The protesters came from across Giles County, representing a mix of races and ages. They carried signs such as “It’s Time to Take a Stand to Save our Future,” “Bring Peace, Not Brutality,” and “Black Lives Matter,” and welcomed honks of support from passing motorists as they congregated on each corner of the Square.
Their mission was to bring awareness to social injustices through love.
“We wanted to organize a peaceful protest against the social injustices that have affected African-Americans for generations,” organizers Chelsea Tatum and Aljanise Ewing Jones said. “The turnout was great, and we were really pleased with the response today.”
The group plans to hold additional peaceful public events in the future.