Updated 5/29/20

The  Giles  County  Public  Library’s  Main Branch will offer curbside pick-up  for  all  materials  Monday thru Friday  from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m.
Call the library at 363-2720  or  visit gilescountylibrary.org to search the catalog and request up  to  10  items  with two  DVDs  per  card,  per  transaction.  
The person will need their  library card number and street address.
Call  the  library  on arrival,  and  your  items  will  be  placed  in  the  ves-tibule  for  pickup.
All  items  must  be  returned via the book drop.
Boat test exam  appointments  may  be  made  by  calling  363-2720  or  email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..