Updated 5/28/20

The 2020 Census response rates show that Ardmore in Giles County, has matched its 2010 Census self-response rate.
More than 63.9% of Ardmore residents have now responded to the 2020 Census, making the city one of a handful of communities in Tennessee that have matched their rate from the 2010 Census.
Giles County is also performing well, with 63.2% of responses received. The national rate is 60.1%.
"The Census Bureau would like to extend our congratulations to the people of Ardmore for their high response rate," said Fernando Armstrong, regional director of the  U.S. Census Bureau. "Your response matters and will help your community get the accurate count it needs to secure federal funding for critical public services and political representation."
The Census Bureau's online response rate map shows response rates by state, city, county and census tract and it is updated daily.
Households in Giles County who have yet to respond can complete the 2020 Census online, by phone, or by mail.
Families that do not respond to the census will receive a visit from a census taker who will help them respond.
The Census Bureau strongly encourages the public to respond online at 2020census.gov.