
The  Giles County School  Board  approved  a request  for  $54,118  to  pay  cafeteria staff who worked three months  to  provide  meals  for  Giles County students.
Food  Services  Supervisor  Ann  Chaffin’s  told the board that  the  cafeteria  staff  who volunteered to provide  meals  for  Giles  County  students  provided  111,990  meals  and  13,374  fresh  fruit  and  vegetable  snacks  over  10  weeks  and  45  days.
The cafeteria staff provided 10,000 meals  a  week  during  the  COVID-19  school  system shutdown.
Chaffin told the board, 26 staff members volunteered  to  work  during  the  entire  shutdown  to  feed  the  children  of  Giles  County.
The  cafeteria  staff,  just  like  all  school  system  employees,  received  their  normal  pay  during  the  shutdown whether they worked or not.
Her  request  to  the  board was to pay those 26  workers  based  on  their  hourly  rates  for  the  hours  they  worked  during  the  COVID-19  crisis.
Chaffin’s request was approved by the board  as  a  transfer  from  the  school  system’s  general  fund  to  the  food  services  budget  as  an  operational  expense.
Meals  provided  by  the school system ended last week. The  emergency  Meals-To-You  program  is  scheduled  to  start  sending  food  this  week  to  the  homes  of  the  975  students  who  enrolled.
The  budget  amendment  will  need  the  approval  of  the  Giles  County Commission.