Updated 5/26/20

Memorial Day weekend kicked off boating season and with the hot temperatures and sunshine this past holiday weekend, Tennessee waterways were busy.
Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency officers are patrolling Tennessee waterways to make sure people are staying safe while out on the lakes.
As they patrol, officers say they mainly look for safety violations such as not wearing a life jacket for people who are 12 years old and younger, people speeding through no wake zones, or recklessly operating within a congested area to name a few.
Boaters are also subject to a safety inspection while out on the water.
Officers are checking for equipment such as life jacket of the proper size; number of life jackets for the number of people on board; type 4 throw cushion if the vessel is greater than 16 feet in length;charged fire extinguisher and boater registration.
It’s important for people to have these tools on their boats before leaving their docks. If not, they can receive a citation.
TWRA officers also patrol for people drinking while driving, a safety issue that can easily cause an accident.
“It seems that alcohol and water go hand in hand at times,” Lessig mentioned as they have had DUI violations already this year.
While boating season gets underway, it’s important for everyone to follow the rules to ensure a safe time out on Tennessee’s waterways.