Updated 5/25/20

The Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability provides free assistance to the elderly population when it comes to medicare, but now it appears fraudsters are using the good deed in a negative way.
State SHIP Program Development and Quality Assurance Coordinator Ryan Ramsey said these fake coordinators ask for medicare claim numbers and social security information.
“Anyone who we do make contact with is within the state including Giles County. We do not cold call anybody so it is merely people who call into us that we return calls to,” Ramsey said.
Ramsey added legitimate representatives typically do ask for personal information, but that is only after someone has contacted the program.
Ramsey said his office would never contact a person just out of the blue.
So if a fraudster calls acting very pushy or aggressive, hang up.
Ramsey said if a person receives a call like this contact the Federal Trade Commission.