Updated 5/22/20

The Joint Economic and Community Development Board Executive Committee met Wednesday with five voting members present.
After a discussion,  the Committee decided to cancel the May 27th meeting.
Director’s Report showed Giles County unemployment rate for March was 4.8 percent, which was not affected by COVID-19.
Projects reported during the meeting was Yarn Mill to make medical masks, 750 employees and  they were looking for a shuttered fabric mill around 400,000 square feet.  Timken Building was recommended for the project.
The Timken building has been leased by a company as a distribution facility for PPE equipment. The company is negotiating to purchase the facility and have not agreed on a deal.
According to EDC Director David Hamilton, they have plans to manufacture in the facility in the future and no plans have been shared with him about the manufacturing operation.  
Hamilton explained that Lot 5 pad site construction was scheduled to start May 1st.  However, due to an issue on the site, they are redrawing the plans to make adjustments for water issues.  Pad construction should begin by the end of the May.
Hamilton said they are also in the process of certifying Lot 15 off Tarpley Shop Road.  A $10,000 grant to conduct a survey of the site and conducting soil borings have been applied for and are required for certification by the State.