Updated 3/31/20

Marshall County has its first confirmed case of COVID-19.
The Tennessee Department of Health notified county authorities on Sunday that a county resident had tested positive for the virus.
“While this isn’t news we were hoping for, it’s not totally unexpected,” said Marshall County Mayor Mike Keny, in a statement. “We always felt that it was not a matter of if, but when. Our local officials have been preparing for this and coordinating with other local and state agencies to make sure we do our very best in protecting our citizens.”
Due to privacy laws, no details of the case were publicly available.
County Director of Health Angie Faulkner said that the state did not inform her of any identifying information other than the notice of a positive test.
Both Faulkner and Keny emphasized the importance of continuing to follow the Center for Disease Control guidelines to slow the spread of the virus.