Updated: 3/7/2020

Giles County! Keep those donations coming! We’ve got a semi truck trailer from Bledsoe Trucking and we’re trying to fill it with donations for those affected by the recent devastating storms and tornadoes. We will be here Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday! 1592 West College Street in Pulaski, behind Legends!

Items needed include; canned goods, cleaning products, personal care items, bottled water, gatorade, leather gloves, safety glasses, baby wipes, diapers, women's hygiene items, pajama pants, underwear, socks, batteries, bleach, trash bags, flash lights, box cutters, blankets, combs/brushes, laundry detergent, paper towels, deodorant, tooth paste and brushes, soap and dry pet food.

We’ve had such a fantastic turn out so far and we want to send out a huge thank you to Bledsoe Trucking and everyone who has donated, stopped by, helped load, and shared all our Facebook posts! We’ve still got plenty of room for donations!