Updated April 11, 2019

During the recent Giles County School Board meeting Director of Schools Phillip Wright requested a three-year extension to his contract.

 The board voted to table the request until their May 2nd meeting, which will be held at Giles County High School.

Wright said considering the request now will give the board time to search for a new director should they choose not to retain him beyond the 2019-20 school year.

If the contract is granted, a three-year extension would be included to the one year remaining on Wright’s current contract.

In other business, the board tabled a proposed policy concerning school system employees’ use of hemp based products and also a proposed budget amendment transferring $47,600 for a second row of front doors at four county schools that do not have them.

The board approved on second reading a policy that places students’ chrome books under the annual non-refundable student fees, and also School Admissions that changes wording from “must” to “should” in the requirements of providing documentation before a student is admitted into Giles County schools.

 On first reading a policy raising the limit on the capitalization of assets to $25,000 was also approved during the meeting.