Posted 4/17/24

Thanks to County Executive Graham Stowe, here’s a little clarity and background on the Liquor By the Drink issue in Giles County.

From the outset it needs to be emphasized that liquor by the drink was approved in Nov 2022 by a vote of 3,484 to 1,552 … or 69% to 31%.  It should go without saying that 69 to 31 is a blowout vote.  Yes, voter turnout was low, about 25%, but that doesn’t negate the result.  If we invalidated elections anytime we thought voter turnout was too low, that would invalidate every election in American history.  So a couple of years ago we had a vote, the people who cared showed up at the polls, and by a greater than 2-to-1 majority liquor by the drink passed in Giles County. We can all have our opinions on liquor by the drink, but these facts can’t be argued, and the ballot box is how public policy is decided in a constitutional republic. 

However, public policy of this nature can be second-guessed and can be put to another referendum.  But there’s some public misunderstanding on this point - the Commission does not have the authority to rescind liquor by the drink.  What the Commission can do is to pass a resolution to put this issue back on the ballot for another vote in November. 

My impression is that the commission is taking this issue very seriously, which we obviously need to do, because representatives - particularly professing conservatives - should be very wary of insinuating that ‘We the People’ got their vote wrong.  Clearly, we have constituents - and commissioners - that are for and against liquor by the drink.  If 2/3 of the Commission vote in favor of putting this back on the ballot then it will go back to the people for another vote in November.  My caution, however, is that just because the commission has that authority doesn’t mean it’s wise to exercise that authority.  Commissioners may disagree with me but personally, I’m not comfortable with the inference that the people got it wrong in 2022. 

Last and probably most important of all - let’s recognize there are very sincere and passionate motives at work, whether for or against liquor by the drink. We need to respect our different opinions, because both sides genuinely want what’s best for Giles County.  As this issue moves into our May agenda I’m hopeful we can constructively debate our differences, without devolving to character assassinations or questioning one another’s Christian faith. The issue merits conversation but does not merit neighbor slandering neighbor.  So in May we’ll have a lively, professional debate and then an up or down vote on whether this goes back before the people.