Updated 11/14/19

The Giles County Property committee members agreed to give two acres in the Dan Speer Industrial Park South to SaarGummi.

Dirt on the donated land is left over from recent construction of a road in the industrial park and will be disposed by the company.

County Executive Melissa Greene was authorized to start the project on replacing windows in the approximately century old Courthouse and cutting some trees with roots that are pushing up parts of the sidewalk around the building.

The windows are custom made and replacing them will take some time, Commissioner Terry Harwell said.

Concerning the sidewalks and trees, Commissioner Joyce Woodard-Morgan said it is a danger of people tripping on sidewalks made uneven by tree roots. "We need to take a look and see what trees need to be cut."

For the work, Commissioner Erin Curry told the committee that grants to help with the project may be available.