Updated 7-10-19

A large card with colorful art work and words by the Giles County Girls and Boys Club of Pulaski along with a high-five to all the aldermen and mayor were given during the City Board Meeting.

Approximately 25 students attended the meeting and presented Mayor Pat Ford a Thank You card for funds received from the City.

Also at Tuesday's regular meeting, aldermen approved a resolution relative to City Administrator Terry Harrison's contract, and the filing of a Tennessee Department of Transportation Multimodal Access Grant.

According to City Recorder Terry Harrison, the 95,500 grant has to be sidewalks along state route.

Harrison said, the grant is very competitive and if the city is awarded the money plans are to extend sidewalks on North First Street to Highway 31 A and turn on Victoria Street.

Only by a small margin, the board passed an ordinance on first reading to amend the Beer Ordinance.

Amended the ordinance will be considered on second reading at 12:05 p.m. on July 23rd during the next meeting.