Updated November 15, 2018

Updated November 15, 2018

The Giles County Help Center is preparing for their annual donation of Thanksgiving meals for needy families in Giles County.  

The dates are Nov. 19th  and  20th during normal business hours. 

Thanksgiving donations are arriving daily at the Help Center, but they are still in need of some everyday staples such as canned pinto beans, soups, jelly, spaghetti sauce, boxed or canned potatoes and oatmeal. As always any non-perishable food item is greatly appreciated. They are also accepting cash donations for the needy in our county.

The goal is to provide Thanksgiving meals for 200 Giles County Families. They are at 314 N. First Street Pulaski, hours are Monday thru Thursday.10am until 2pm. Phone 363-8655 for more information.