Updated: July 07, 2017

The maker of opioid painkiller Opana E-R is pulling the drug off the market at the request of federal regulators because it’s being abused.

Endo International PLC said Thursday it will voluntarily stop selling the pills, approved for use in patients with severe, constant pain, after consulting with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It’s the first opioid drug that the FDA has sought to remove from the market due to abuse.

The drug maker said in a statement that the extended-release opioid is safe and effective when used as intended, and that Endo still believes Opana ER’s benefits outweigh its risks.

But last month, the FDA said it had concluded the drug is too risky. The agency said it had seen a “significant shift” from people crushing and snorting the pill to get high to injecting it instead.