Updated 12/12/19

The Ardmore City Council approved a bid to repair work on Stateline Road from R.J. Watkins and Company for $21,000.00 during a meeting last week.

Other approvals was a resolution asking the Giles County Commission to authorize the Giles County Highway Department to perform work in the city of Ardmore during the fiscal year 2020 was also passed. The resolution is necessary for the City to be able to request the county work on projects inside the city.

During the meeting, Alderman Raymond Crabtree told the council concrete tiles on Union Hill Road in front of the church is falling apart and needs to be repaired after the first of the year and Alderman Sherman asked to have a light placed in front of the annex building to shine on the flag.

Citizens in Ardmore continue to have problems with dogs running loose on Austin Street. Mayor Mike Magnusson told the board he is seeking legal advice as to how to update the city dog ordinances.

Alderman Paul VanManen asked the council if employee bonuses were voted on and approved. The mayor informed him from the minutes of meetings held last year they were given and not discussed or voted on, therefore he approved bonuses.  The town has approved the amounts for their employees, so Mayor Magnusson gave city employees the same bonus, which was the same amount as last year.