Updated 10/21/19

Two educators spoke to the Giles County commission this morning as candidates for the 6th District School Board seat.

Willa Smith and Debra Tillman were asked to speak two minutes on the reason why they should be selected.

Willa Smith, a retired educator, told the commissioners that the school board is very important and she would never back down from challenges.

Smith said Teaching was her world.

Tillman said she had taught in the Giles County school system a number of years and is presently a substitute teacher at Bridgeforth Middle School. She explained she was for the students and teachers in Giles County.

Tillman was elected by the commissioners to fill the 6th District seat with a vote of 15 to 6. She will replace Charles McElroy, who recently resigned.

Also, during the morning meeting, September 16th minutes were approved.

Reports from the Finance Director on General County General Fund, Drug, Highway, School, Federal, Food Services, Debt Service, Capital Projects, Highway Capital Projects, Education Capital Projects, Giles County Highway Department Quarterly Report and Giles County Health Department Quarterly Report were also approved.