Updated 10/9/19

Formation of the 2020 Census Complete Count Committee was announced recently as Giles County prepares for the start of the census in April 2020.

Committee Chairman and Commissioner Erin Curry recently said they are trying to get the word out about the census.

Subcommittees have been named, and members will form action plans for implementing goals.

According to County Executive Melissa Greene, this is the first year that you can do the census online.

The next committee meeting will be at 3 p.m. Thursday in the basement meeting room of the Courthouse Annex.

The United States Constitution requires a census to be done every 10 years, and the government has done them since 1790.

Before sending enumerators, or workers who go out to obtain census results, the government wants to try every other way to get information, Greene added.

The number of people participating in the census is important because it helps determine the number of congressional seats in each state.

Greene said the Census results are fixed for 10 years, unless a special census is done which means the amount of federal aid based on population is also fixed for 10 years.

Other committee members include: Dean Glossup, County Executive Melissa Greene, Vicki Coleman, Ricky Keith, John Nelson, Jessie Parker, Jaymi Ray, Scott Stewart and Carolyn S. Thompson.