Updated 10/1/19

City of Elkton board members voted during a recent meeting to  purchase large and small garbage cans with the city's name stenciled for households in the city.

According to members, the cans will be durable enough to be lifted by mechanized equipment.

The board also voted unanimously to make a change in the city of Elkton’s ordinance not to allow dancing by entertainers and the sale of beer at the same time.

The ordinance change will read during any performance that constitutes adult cabaret or adult entertainment, no operator, entertainer or employee of an adult-oriented establishment shall serve or sell beer or any other alcoholic beverages.

The city of Elkton regulates adult businesses in its city limits while Giles County’s Adult Entertainment Board regulates those kinds of businesses throughout the county.

While all board members voted for the ordinance change, Alderman and county commissioner Bill Cary suggested the change, which would match Giles County’s adult entertainment ordinance.

 Also voting for the change were Aldermen Bill Bonjour, Payton Blade, Jim Lathrop and Bobby Sherrell.