Updated August 22, 2019

An amendment regarding the distance restriction in the city's beer ordinance was dropped by the Pulaski Board of Mayor and Alderman. 

The proposed amendment would have eliminated the current 200-foot restriction from public playgrounds or any building containing a church or school for an off-premises beer consumption permit.

 It would have also alleviated the distance requirement but continued to restrict any businesses sharing a property line to a public playground, church or school from selling beer for off-premises consumption. 

City Administrator Terry Harrison told the board that he does not think there are enough votes right now to pass this amendment.

During the work session, Harrison said there is not enough consensus on the board to pass it on second and final reading and if this changes the board can bring it back to another work session.

The board chose not to take the agenda item to the board meeting after several remarks have been made from concerned citizens.