Updated May 1, 2019

The Giles County Board of Education will consider a $16.2 million renovation project for all schools when it meets in regular session Thursday.

Cost of the project increased approximately 1.5 percent from $16 million presented last month at the 75 percent review.

The board recently received a 100 percent review of the renovation project from Energy Systems Group.

Russ Nelson from ESG explained the work to be done during a work session, which included replacing 70 percent of the heating and cooling in Giles County schools. 

Giles County High School and Bridgeforth Middle School, was identified as needing the most work. ESG proposes to remove all old heating and cooling equipment and also windows are an important part of the project at both GCHS and BMS as is new electrical service.

Nelson said the total energy and maintenance savings from the work at all schools is estimated at $9 million, 60 percent of the total project cost.

When asked if parts of the proposed project could be done and other parts postponed due to costs, Nelson said those options are available.

School Board Chairman Richie Brewer said considering only part of the project is a mistake. If we don’t do something right now, we are going to be in trouble in five years.

Nelson estimated the timeline to complete the project at all schools at approximately one year, adding that if approved soon enough it could be complete by the end of summer 2020.