Updated March 20, 2019

WKSR has an update on a story that ran earlier this week concerning amnesty week being suspended in Pulaski.

The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) launched an investigation on property owned by the city of Pulaski in November 2018 causing the Pulaski Board of Mayor and Aldermen to suspend Amnesty Week.

A complaint started an investigation by the state concerning collection methods by the city of Pulaski.

The improper collection methods referred to a transfer station, owned by the city, used to temporarily hold the collected items before being relocated.

The investigation resulted in a violation against the city due to the transfer station not having a proper permit with the state of Tennessee.

According to city officials, the property being used as a transfer station did not have a permit because the city was not aware one was needed. 

The board considered several options in response to the shutdown of the transfer station, but found no viable option.

People of Pulaski have expressed concerns on how to transport large items to one of the four convenience location without proper transportation.

In previous years, Pulaski Street and Sanitation allowed residents in March and October to put large household items out with their normal garbage pickup.