Updated December 14, 2018

If you are trying to find a job then Rutherford County is the place to search.

Murfreesboro is listed as one of 10 cities in the nation with an excess of great jobs and not enough people to fill them. 

Some cities have more job availabilities than others. Murfreesboro is one of those places. 

One reason Murfreesboro ranks so high on the list is due to the diversity of jobs available. 

Entry level and manufacturing all the way up to executive level positions are available, with a shortage of people to work in the manufacturing industry.

This is because so many baby boomers are retiring out of those jobs, which leaves a lot of openings and these cities aren’t able to fill them fast enough.

Rutherford County is also the destination of choice for expanding and relocating businesses.

Experts said there is an average of 3,000 jobs available in Rutherford County every single day.