Updated December 7, 2018

The “Santa For Seniors” is underway in Giles County.  With the help of NHC HomeCare the group hopes to make our senior citizens Christmas wishes a little brighter this year.

NHC’s staff is on the lookout to find those in need. Local skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, senior agencies and home-cares are contacted and asked to offer names of anyone who would benefit from a Christmas box. Once individuals are identified, the group tries to determine what items they are in need of most to fill the boxes.

Some of the items needed are alarm clocks with large numbers, towels and wash cloths, non-skid slippers and socks, nail kits, calendars, snacks and crackers, sugar-free candy, soup and canned goods, tooth brushes, soap, smoke-alarms and batteries.

Deadline for the “Santa for Seniors” program is Friday, Dec. 14. Items may be dropped off at NHC HomeCare, 1102 E. College St., Pulaski, during regular office hours. For more information, call 363-0703.