Posted 2/14/23

The Board of Mayor & Alderman will meet Tuesday, February 21st, 2023 at the Giles County Courthouse.

Items on the agenda for the meeting include,

Approval of Minutes of January 17th, 2023, Public Comments, Elections, Renewal of Notaries Public at Large and new Notaries, Reports from the Finance Director for November and December 2022.

Designation of Giles County Economic Development Commission to administer the Three Star Program.

Resolutions dealing with Authorizing the amendment of the 2022-2023 Budget, County General Fund and Drug Fund, Authorizing the amendment of the 2021-2022 Budget, General Purpose School Fund, Approving the Guidelines for employing Delinquent Tax Attorney Trustee by Giles County, Tennessee, Contract appointing Delinquent Tax Attorney, make an application for a CDBF Covid-19 Program Grant to assist with local food banks, apportion $4,500,000 for Broadband Infrastructure, administration of ARP Water Projects, adopt use of a collection agent, renovation of the Giles County Health Department, approving All-American Meat Processing and Smokehouse request for Solid Waste Processing, and any unfinished business or new business.