Updated 09/20/2017

The September meeting of the Giles County Commission is typically time to assign commissioners to committees, elect chairmen and co-chairmen and take care of other housekeeping duties.

Chairman Pro Tem Melissa Greene presided over Monday's meeting in the absence of County Executive Janet Vanzant. Also absent were commissioners Tommy Campbell and Dustin Rose.

Vanzant was re-elected chairman of the board, and Tommy Pope was elected commission chaplain. Melissa Greene and Stoney Jackson were nominated as chairman pro tem. A vote was taken with Greene receiving ten votes and Jackson nine votes. Because of some confusion as to the correct procedure to take to declare a winner, it was decided another vote will be taken at the November commission meeting.

Two items that were pulled from any action being taken on them Monday were appointing medical doctor Joe Fite as the county's medical examiner and coroner plus a resolution to declare county property in Frankewing to be surplus and authorize the sale of the property.

All other resolutions were approved.

Elected to another one-year term as county attorney is Chris Williams and Veterans Service Officer Barry Alsup retained his office.

All notaries public-at-large up for renewal and new applicants were approved.